How I Tap Into My Intuition with a Pendulum | Simply Ashley Graham

How I Tap Into My Intuition with a Pendulum




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The human experience is a sensational ride, and I am keen on discovering modalities that support this crazy little thing called life. Through my journey thus far, I’ve learned that the quality of our experiences expands as we use our intuition and inner compass to discover the unique gifts we hold within. As divine beings, we have the power within us to guide ourselves through our inner and outer experiences, and some tools help strengthen that connection. Therefore, I am excited to share with you one of my favorite tools for tapping into my intuition… the pendulum.

The Power of the Pendulum

A pendulum is a crystal pendant you can carry to tune in with your intuition, which I also like to refer to as your highest self. This pendant can connect you with the abundance, source connection, and divine power you hold within — the power that connects you to your energy of expansion and transcendence. At any time, this inner wisdom can guide you to self-discovery, self-exploration, and the self-growth you may be seeking. Knowing this, would you open yourself to experiencing the wisdom this pendant could offer you?

Furthermore, I’ve come to believe that the auric field around us all is 5-D, meaning our energies and those of others are vibrating around us at expansive rates every moment. Our thoughts, intentions, and physical, mental, and emotional frequencies tap into this 5-D world. Also found are memories of our past and future selves, abilities, experiences, integrations, and resources collected along the way.

However, we often undermine that wisdom by seeking external validation, answers, or guidance from sources that don’t know our divine truth and inner knowing. Over 20+ years of profound self-discovery, I’ve learned tips, tricks, and modalities that have changed my life significantly, and the pendulum is one of them.

Why I Use A Pendulum

I often use my pendulum for guidance, clarity, and insight into the innate wisdom I have within, as well as for answers to the questions of life I may need advice on. Using a pendulum is a direct way to channel my thoughts and experiences from the mind to my body’s deep, inner knowing and intuition. When used mindfully, it creates a beautiful relationship and connection to my highest self. A pendulum is a crystal or pendant suspended from a chain or string. Pendulums are divination tools for tapping into inner wisdom and intuition through energetic movements and responses. By holding the pendulum, the pendant will move in vertical, horizontal, or circular movements, representing its unique response.

Are you ready to tap into your intuition with a pendulum?

Programming Your Pendulum

When you choose your pendulum, the first thing you’ll want to do is program it. Programming your pendulum is key to establishing cues for “yes,” “no,” and “maybe” responses to your questions. Doing so is how you gauge how your pendulum communicates with and through you. It responds best when held with your dominant hand and between your thumb and index finger. When programming, sit upright with your back against a seat, legs uncrossed, and feet planted firmly on the floor.

Next, place the left or right palm, not holding the pendulum slightly under the pendant, without touching it. I can feel an invisible connection between the pendulum’s movement swinging through my palm, strengthening my connection to my session. Next, you’ll want to get used to connecting to the pendulum by communicating with it. You can do this by speaking out loud or within, channeling or focusing your energy/intention towards it.

You can establish the response cues by asking it to show you a “yes,” “no,” and “maybe” to signify the correct response to your questions. A “yes,” “no,” and “maybe” could move either front-to-back, side-to-side, clockwise, or counterclockwise. While programming, start by asking the pendulum questions you know the answer to gauge its accuracy.

If it responds incorrectly, you may need to re-program the pendulum until it demonstrates the correct movement to your questions. You can move forward with your session once it reacts correctly to the questions you know the answers to.

Best Practices for Dowsing with Your Pendulum

Reading or channeling guidance through a pendulum is often called “dowsing.” As with any tool, it’s key to integrate certain practices to get the best result. Here are my recommendations for practices to get the best answers to your guidance.

Cleanse Your Auric Field Before Dowsing

Before starting the dowsing session with your pendulum, you’ll want to cleanse your energy and the pendulum’s energy. I prefer to use the smoke from burning white sage or palo santo to cleanse my energy and the pendulum. However, you can use other elements, such as cleansing the pendulum with cool running water or soaking it in salt water.

Whatever modality you use to reset your energy will work fine for cleansing your pendulum. It’s all about your connection to yourself and what works best for you.

Set Your Intention

There is power in intentionality. Set an intention for each dowsing session with your pendulum through a channeled mantra and/or message. Meditation allows you to visualize and express this message internally or speak the mantra out loud. As you are dowsing to receive guidance on collective energies, set the intention for your sessions to reflect wisdom and clarity for the highest good. Your intention for your sessions should be unique to you and your experience. However, here is an example of a mantra I used in my dowsing sessions.

My Go-To Mantra for Setting My Intention

“We all deserve love and guidance in this collective human experience. I call upon my highest self, divine energies, ancestors, and angels that surround me to provide the guidance I need now. In divine partnership with me, I seek only truthful, conscious wisdom aligned with the highest and greatest good for all.”

Creating healing energy for yourself and others from whom you may seek clarity is essential. When we call for clarity around collective energies in our lives, we also call for clarity for the collective and their experiences while in an energetic partnership with us. It’s beneficial to set the intention around the benefits that the collective receives energetically through the guidance you receive personally within your experience.

Moving our energy and emotions from the ego mind to our soulful self is one of the best reasons to use a pendulum in spiritual practices. The soulful self seeks to heal all involved in the collective energy, whereas the ego mind seeks answers for its benefit.

As for the end of each dowsing session, dedicate a moment of gratitude for the guidance and clarity you receive. You should always value the relationship you are building with your pendulum during each session. Sit in a moment of stillness while holding the pendulum in your hands to channel grateful energy towards it. I thank my pendulum for its devotion to supporting me along my journey to live the most fulfilling, joyful, and abundant life I can imagine. Your pendulum can become your greatest asset if you nurture and value its presence. Honor it with the same care you show a loved one and yourself.

Questions to Ask Your Pendulum

The clarity in your questions is essential to receiving the best answers. A good practice for understanding how to communicate with your pendulum is to visualize a conversation that stands out to you. Imagine a conversation with a loved one or a podcast conversation with someone you admire. Traditionally, in all forms of communication, you have one person asking a question and the other responding. The same goes for your conversation with your pendulum. You are the host, and the pendulum is your guest speaker.

The key is to be clear, concise, and energetically dialed into each question you ask. For inspiration and guidance before a dowsing session, take time throughout the day to better understand the conscious voice and inner dialogue you create with yourself. When our inner dialogue is strong, we naturally channel a conversation within our thoughts.

If you find writing helpful, write down the questions that come to mind and use those as a guide. If you are in the beginning stages and need questions to get started, you can use the questions below for inspiration.

Am I on the right path in my career and/or business? Is it in the best interest of my highest self to pursue this career endeavor? If I turn my hobby into a career, will it be a prosperous experience?

Love and Relationship Questions

Does my current relationship and/or partner serve my highest purpose? Am I setting the proper boundaries with my current partner? Are my current partner and I destined to serve a higher purpose together? Will my current partner and I live a prosperous life together?

Is now a good time to move forward with this partnership and/or experience? Should I take a leap of faith to pursue this opportunity in the current timeline? Will this decision serve my highest self in attracting my desires in this timeline?

Understanding Self Questions

Am I setting the appropriate boundaries with myself and others for my highest good? Is it in the best interest of my highest self to take a break and rest? Will honoring my highest self and my voice lead to expansion, influence, and purpose for the collective? Am I currently setting the best intentions to attract my desires and achievements?

Note: Use these questions as a guide, but be thorough in asking for clarity on your specific experiences and opportunities.

Ask Your Questions & Connect with the Movements

When you are ready to ask your question, ensure the pendulum is still. Clear your mind, focus your energy on the clarity of your question, then ask. The pendulum will then move in response to your question. If you ask more than one question during your session, stop the pendulum in its swing. Ensure it comes to a complete stop after each question before asking the next. The pendulum coming to a halt ensures no energy transfer between each question to get an accurate response.

Your intuition comes in handy here, so feel into it as much as possible. If you receive a response to a question that doesn’t feel clear or instinctively true, try reframing it. Then, ask again. When you feel complete alignment with an answer, this is a sign that the guidance aligns with your highest self. It gets exciting here!

Journal The Answers/Responses

We all have a conscious voice within, which is our inner dialogue around our personal experiences. My conscious voice is inspired and quite chatty after each dowsing session. Therefore, I always have a journal or notebook nearby to reflect on my answers. Depending on your preference, you can write your questions before each session or during reflection. You can also record yourself expressing the answers you received if you prefer transcribing through verbal communication versus non-verbal. Find a flow or modality that works best for you to reflect on the answers you receive.

Then, apply that knowledge and wisdom to your experiences to elevate your connection to your highest self between each session. Reflect on your answers as frequently as needed to keep the guidance active in your 5-D experiences.

Connect to Your Highest Self Frequently

As with any spiritual practice, consistency is key! The more you use your pendulum, the more connection and clarity you will receive. Set a dedicated time for dowsing with your pendulum, or use the pendulum when you feel called to do so. Tapping into your highest self and channeling your inner wisdom flows through your ability to pause and sit in stillness with your energy.

I use my pendulum to connect to my highest self in all areas of my life, including business, relationships, significant life decisions, connecting with past selves, and so much more. My best advice is to connect to your highest self frequently, as it’s waiting to guide you.

Free Will

While the pendulum is a powerful tool for tapping into your intuition and connecting with your highest self, it’s important to remember that you are always in control of your decisions and actions. The guidance you receive from the pendulum reflects your inner wisdom but is not a substitute for your free will. You can choose your path, make decisions, and take actions that resonate with your soul’s purpose. The pendulum is here to assist, not to dictate.

Your free will is the ultimate force in shaping your life experiences. Use the insights from the pendulum to enhance your journey, but always trust in your ability to make the best choices for yourself. Remember, the pendulum is a tool to help you connect with your inner guidance, but your life is yours to create. Embrace the wisdom you gain, but always move forward confidently in your ability to manifest your desired life.

The pendulum is a beautiful and powerful tool for self-discovery, healing, and spiritual growth. By incorporating it into your practices, you can deepen your connection to your highest self, gain clarity on your path, and make empowered decisions that align with your true purpose. As you explore the pendulum’s potential, may you find greater understanding, peace, and fulfillment in your life’s journey.

Are you ready to embrace the power of the pendulum and unlock the wisdom that resides within you? Trust your intuition, connect with your highest self, and let the pendulum guide you on this incredible life journey.

Copyright 2024 – Simply Ashley Graham – All Rights Reserved

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